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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Search Engine Optimization Journal Adds Website Analytics Section to Blog

Having a web design firm build an e-commerce website is easy these days. Interview a few firms, find one that fits a specific budget and have them start building. There are details that many start up online entrepreneurs forget about, analytics (

Search Engine Optimization Journal has added a new analytics section to their already established industry blog. Search Engine Optimization Journal knows there is a tremendous need for knowledge on this important aspect of building a website that they have added an entirely new section dedicated towards this information. When launching a website it is just as important to know where all visitors are coming from as it is just driving visitors to a site. How can a website visitor make informed decisions on marketing their website when they don't even know their visitors patterns on the site? It is very important to know when a visitor sits on a page for five minutes or fifteen seconds so that a website owner knows where to make adjustments on a website. Knowing your websites visitors patterns will allow you to have an advantage. When it comes time to make adjustments to a website they can be made according to well gathered data instead of guesses. When a business owner has just dumped their life's savings into a business the livelihood of that business will depend on how website visitors use every square inch of that particular website.

Before diving into any marketing and search engine optimization ( for a freshly built website the website owner should allow the privilege of having some sort of analytics information to not only present to their team but also for themselves to analyze. No successful online business makes in today's industry without being able to analyze all analytics data. If the plan is to have an in-house team of marketers for a particular website they will base many of their marketing decisions on this analytics information. With analytics information the team will be able to see what countries visitors are coming from and how long they are spending on a specific page. They can also see exactly which links are working to help grow a business. If a marketing department has been performing social media marketing for 6 months and the website analytics tells the team that nobody has used that link to make it to the site than they know that shifting gears in a different direction will be beneficial. Without have analytics information they would never see if a referring link was actually working or if it was just sitting there quiet. In today's ever changing industry it is important to have as much ammo as possible otherwise a businesses marketing efforts could be wasted and that is something that is just not acceptable these days. Well gathered analytics information will allow any business to allocate their marketing dollars in the direction most beneficial to the success of that specific business.
