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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Learn To Joomla at!

This is the home of free Joomla! Video Tutorials.

That's Right! As in "Completely Free", "Gratis", "No Obligation", "No Registration", FREE Joomla! Video Tutorials.

We LOVE Joomla! and want to share it with everyone! We feature video tutorials for both major versions of Joomla!, 1.0.x and 1.5.x

Our Joomla! Video Tutorials are High Quality, Crsytal Clear and recorded in Real font sizes that are easy to read... They are narrated by a Joomla! professional so you can also Hear the instructor. We offer more COMPLETELY FREE Joomla! Video Training Tutorials than anyone.

WATCH our free Joomla! Video Tutorials as often as you like. It's like having Joomla! Training Videos On-Demand; there's no waiting.

SHARE our free Joomla! Video Tutorials with your friends. Add our free videos to your Blog or Website. We provide the script; it's as easy as copy and paste.

DOWNLOAD our free Joomla! Video Tutorials to your hard drive or portable media device and watch them any time you wish, even without an internet connection.

Enjoy our new "Joomla! Recipes" feature, where we take an exsisting Website and reveal it's recipe and how to build it.

Just for fun we also offer other items like the free and exclusive Windows screensaver with Joomla! RSS News updated around the clock, and the free and exclusive Sony-Ericcson w580i mobile telephone/walkman theme.

What can we say? We love Joomla!