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Friday, April 25, 2008

Five Simple Ways To Keep Your Reader’s Attention

In today’s world of evolving blogs and on-line newsletters, readers are swamped with so much information that they become more sensitive to the quality of articles that they are reading. I highly recommend that you follow these five steps to keeping your reader’s attention while at your site, blog, or article:

1. Be Clear. It is always refreshing to use clear language and understandable terms that keep the reader “in the know”.

2. Be Brief.
I know it is great to write articles like “100 Ways To” but these articles can tire the reader. Brevity is a real blessing sometimes.

3. Humor is always nice. As much as you might be saying something serious, still, an appropriate use of humor is always refreshing.

4. Be Honest. When the reader can see into your sincerity and candor, that is a real great trick to keeping the reader at your article.

5. Be Unique. This is why websites and articles really make it - uniqueness. This one I will let you interpret for yourself. This is a surefire method to get readers to return to your articles, website, and/or blog with frequency.