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Thursday, September 6, 2007

P and P launches regular Joomla! workshops in Cape Town, Johannesburg

P and P Content (a division of P and P Communications), in collaboration with Joomla SA, will be launching regular ‘user' and ‘administrator' workshops in Cape Town and Johannesburg next week.

Alongside P and P's already established PR workshops, and the demand for training on the open source CMS (Content Management System) platform, P and P has decided to deliver regular training workshops for users and administrators of Joomla!.

Max Pichulik, Director of P and P Content says, “We have seen a massive uptake in Joomla! designed websites, and an increased demand for training on the system. These workshops fit our business structure quite succinctly, as a greater portion of our income is generated from maintaining the content on Joomla! developed web platforms.”

The End User workshop is a basic one day training module, designed for new users whose primary role is to update sections of content to their website.

This course offers a series of 'how tos', from editing content using various WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors, loading media and inserting it into content, creating image galleries and events to attract visitors. Crucial tips for users in harnessing the power of collaboration and search engine ranking are also discussed.

The Administrator workshop focusses on intermediate principles of installing your own Joomla! website, including extended features such as newsletter production, discussion forum implementation and the management of user directories.

This workshop includes the following topics: setting up a stand alone server for testing offline, populating transfer content from existing websites and other documents, installing templates, installing extensions (modules, components and mambots), backing up your Joomla! website and promoting your newly developed website to your market.

There will also be tips offered on how to protect your website against hackers and discussion on communications' strategies to sustain site interaction amongst colleagues and site members. An additional feature will be an introduction to Google applications.

The End User workshops will be held in Cape Town on Tuesday 11th September and Johannesburg on Thursday 13th September from 9h00 to 15h00 at a cost of R1600 (excl VAT) per delegate per day. (maximum 10 delegates)

The Administrator workshops will also be held in both cities, in Cape Town on Wednesday, 12th September and in Johannesburg on Friday, 14th of September at a cost of R2600 (excl VAT) per delegate per day.

The venue in Cape Town is iKhaya Lodge, City Bowl and The Peech in Melrose, Johannesburg. (venue is subject to change).

For more information, please contact Max Pichulik on 011 883 5806 or email