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Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Law to Group Web Portals With News Outlets

The government and ruling party will define web portals as news outlets to enhance their social responsibilities and obligations. In a recent working-level meeting, the ruling Grand National Party and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism agreed to revise the Newspaper Law to that effect.

The move comes after criticism of web portals for playing host to defamation and other violations while playing a similar role to the news media by gathering and editing news.

The government and the GNP also agreed to revise the Press Arbitration Law so victims of damaging articles on web portals can easily apply to the Press Arbitration Commission for remedies by telephone, the Internet or post. The government and ruling party are expected to have the revision bills passed by the National Assembly during the regular session in September.

Experts are in favor of the move. They say web portals have grown into giant news organizations every bit as powerful as newspapers and broadcasting networks, and must show responsibility for the articles they carry. In Korea, anonymous articles or messages posted on web sites have caused some serious damage.

"It's high time the web portals should take responsibility commensurate with their influence in society,” says Ahn Dong-keun, a professor of journalism and mass communication at Hanyang University. “Internet firms are under restriction because they have not voluntarily taken responsibility commensurate with their social status on their own."
