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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Joomla! Developer Network

The Joomla! Developer Network is a one stop shop for content and resources specific to developing for the Joomla! content management system. Whether you are looking for code samples, technical overviews, documentation, core team updates or any other information you may need on Joomla! development the developer network is here to help.

With the JDN we strive to provide you with a clear road map to understanding and working with the Joomla! API.

Third party developers have been asking for more transparency and we have been listening! Most of the ideas which are being implemented to build this site have come from them and we expect that the JDN will become a creativity and networking magnet.

Who is it for?

The information on this site is not for everyone. If you are looking for information for using or administering a Joomla! website then you should consult the user documentation at But if you are interested in developing custom extensions this site will be an essential resource throughout your development process.

Does it cost anything?

Just like all good open source projects, the Joomla! code and all of the resources found in the JDN are free and open. No fees, no cliques, no confusion.

What can you find on the JDN?