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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Get 10,000 “unique” visitors a month!

Get 10,000 unique visitors to your website - now

Are you using “social Media” sites correctly?

For the last 3 months I’ve gotten 10,000 plus “unique” visitors to my small site using “Social Media tips”

Can you “DIGG” it, can you - Digg it ????

One of my all time favorite movies is “Warriors”, it’s about a gang that is framed for the murder of an influential gang leader [ Cirus ] who only wanted to unite all the gangs of NY - sort of like organized crime today. It’s a wonderful movie to watch.

But I bring it up only because I am curious if you are using “DIGG” and the other like kind social media’s?If used correctly you can build your ranking, your website’s traffic and even make money - Can you “DIGG” it.. can you digg it…

While people are talking about little things like : is myspace losing to Facebook? Or things like: Will Yahoo buy XYZ company? People like you and me are losing the opportunity to make good use of social media sites like “Myspace”, “you tube”, “face book”, even “Blink”….I want you to think about it, a good catchy title and good content can get you hundreds if not thousands of visitors to your site - In one day…. I did a small experiment, just to test it out. I used “Digg” and linked a page from one of my sites [ can not divulge source ] and with a good catchy title had 3,560 visitors go to my site in one day.

You say so what, others do it all the time….. But for a new site that has yet to be index on any search engine. No ranking, no SEO, nothing - just - DIGG………. ????

No this is not a replacement for good old fashion “SEO” or providing good content. But it can help a struggling beginner and a small website compete with the big boys.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Offshore Software Development India – Php and .Net Development India

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5 Essential Joomla Extensions

Standard Joomla installation comes with some very powerful tools but here are some additional Joomla extensions recommended for every business web site:

1. Easily insert images or video and create file links with professional JCE EDITOR . JCE Image Manager is especially good for resizing and managing your image library.

2. Allow search engines to effectively scan your web site for any changes and updates with JOOMAP . Joomap is a sitemap component for Joomla that shows the normal Menu Structure, Content Categories and Sections in a hierarchical list.

3. Perform a daily backup of your web site database and email it to your preferred email address with JOMBACKUP PLUGIN . It provides a piece of mind and is recommended for databases smaller than 2MB.

4. Edit, delete, copy, rename, archive and unpack files or directories directly on your server with JOOMLAXPLORER . It's highly recommended for shared hosting environments where you do not have a complete server access.

5. Stay in touch with your visitors with LETTERMAN newsletter component. It is good for providing a simple newsletter feature on your site, without multiple lists. Users can subscribe/unsubscribe themselves on your web site or you can import multiple subscribers using a CSV file. Copies of previous newsletters can be easily published to your web site ! Check with your server host if there are any restrictions on a number of emails you can send out.

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Intel Launches Digg Clone For Software

cs.jpg Intel has joined the social voting space with CoolSW, a Digg clone for “Cool Software.”

The site is said to focus solely on business ideas, and is designed to tap into the opinions of the wider developer and entrepreneur community.

According to a report at Venture Beat, the site cost around $40,000 to develop and has been tested internally, with Intel soliciting views from its employees about the hottest software companies.

Like any good Digg clone, it appears that it hasn’t taken too long for it to be gamed, with the top result at the time of writing being for the Open Source CMS Joomla. Even if it isn’t gamed for advantage by some, it’s a little strange that Intel wants to use the site to find “the next Google” whilst offering it to the public; after all if the model does identify the next Google, wouldn’t everybody see the result and have an opportunity to jump in before Intel does?


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